Being a founder is not an Instagram pic

3 min readApr 15, 2016

So you want to build an app and make millions? Is it by any chance an Uber for “X” kind of business? Or are you dreaming about an awesome way of selling a product or service using the internet?

A killer app maybe?

A few days ago I had a conversation with a couple of young entrepreneurs (23 and 24 yrs old) that are launching a startup. They told me they went for the startup journey so they can “make millions fast, work a few hours a day and be famous”.

That conversation kept hunting me for days.

It pissed me off that this young energetic folks were chasing the money rather than chasing a passion (which can be in fact what gives them what they are looking for).

Media is screwing up lives (again)

With a few clicks, you can find Instagram accounts that are collecting millions of followers that get pumped by reading some “motivational line” in front of a picture.

Showing a motivational phrase has become the daily fix for dreamers and wannabe entrepreneurs.

Want a “follow me” magnet? Just add a background filled with hot girls, hot guys, expensive bullshit and/or piled cash with a superposed phrase.


Have you noticed that entrepreneurship magazines are now following the same format as “Men's health” ?

A front page promising the “secrets to build a company” or “10 things you should not do as a founder” are the equivalent to “loose weight fast” and “10 exercise to get abs now”

Unfortunately, you will not get abs if you don´t stop eating crap and start hitting the gym.

Equally, you will not learn how to be a founder until you become one.

So are you thinking about building something? Where do you start?

A good starting point is to identify something you would love to do every day WITHOUT getting paid.

Found it? Great. Now go out and explore if there are initiatives you can link yourself to + do what you love.

If it does not exist yet , build it.

You are not alone in looking for that special thing that makes you tick.

You will find people with similar interests that will help you create…but you have to take the first step and [WARNING] it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Embrace that passion and move fast.

By the way… if you are still trying to find an inspirational picture that depicts the REAL early stage startup journey on Instagram, here is one.

Are you ready to take the hits?

Welcome to the startup world.




Nomad. Singularity University + Atlantic Council fellow // Cannes awarded innovator